Sunday, October 25, 2009

Red Dancer

Acrylic, ink, pencil on mat board. Trying to stretch a bit.

I'm amazed that my many-decades-old acrylics haven't completely dried up!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Portraits ( Jessica)

Two pencil drawings with watercolor added. Reference: faestock at deviantArt.

Catalog Models

More drawing practice.

Facebook Faces

I grabbed some random photos from various Facebook photo albums and sketched them for drawing practice.

"We Like to Eat" Book Cover

One of the reasons I've neglected this blog (for six months!) is that I've been very, very busy at work (which is, of course, good.) It's not often I post anything from my graphic design business here, but this cover was notable for the fact that I was able to convince the client to use my vector illustrations on it rather than the stock photos that appear inside. Also, doing the illustrations allowed me to progress in my quest to be at least moderately proficient at Adobe Illustrator.