Sunday, July 02, 2006

Drawing Jam: Shakira

For the jam over at the Drawing Board.

(Please click image for larger version.)


Ryan G. said...

Hey Chrissie, thanks for posting on my blog.. wow you got some great portrait and life drawing stuff here.. Im a bit of a graphic artist too.. Im going back to school for animation though.. well ill certainly be back, later..Ryan

Unknown said...

nice drawing!

Unknown said...

yay! more chrissie drawings!!! Great few rounds! Hope the move and all went smoothly

Anonymous said...


Wonderful drawing, the hands and feet are so graceful and rendered with a knowing sense of placement and ability.
You have a gift! I'm glad you are not afraid to show it off.


Chrissie A said...

ryan, alina, mel, kristian, artfish: Thank you all for your comments!!