Thursday, May 11, 2006

Illustration Friday: Fat

(Please click for larger version.)


Anonymous said...

I love the weight, volume and fluidity of these! Did you draw them from life? There's a graphic nature here too that is very nice! I looked back through some of your previous posts and really admire your drawing skill and the fact that you've made real strides to return to them after being entrenched in Graphic Design for a while. I look forward to seeing you around the Drawing Board as well as IF (I lurk regularly around the Drawing Board, though I've yet to post much myself.)

Cheers, Melanie ( )

Patrick said...

Nice job as usual Chrissie. I really like the one in grey and the light green/ tan one. I also dig the vector art you posted earlier- nice work there too- if you decide to make the jump to learn Illustrator, feel free to ask me any questions you might have and I will do my best to help you out. Illustrator is a great program!

Anonymous said...

Chrissie, this (these) are just great. Love the colors, rendering, everything. Very nice work.

carla said...

This series is very sumptuous! The figure is so solid, the lines so eloquent, and the various colors add tremendous interest. Lovely:>

Majeak Ann said...

Thse are really good drawings!
Great work!


trowbridge chronicles said...

Beautifully drawn and such accurate proportions.Nice Illustration.

Jelle Gijsberts said...

Very nice work! I like the blue fatty very much! The color with the white lines gives the image some kind of cool surrealistic feeling.


Chrissie A said...

Melanie: Thanks so much for the kind words! I used a photo as reference. Yeah, I'm mostly a lurker over on the Drawing Board as well. :)

patrick: Wow, thanks for the offer of Illustrator help. :) I may take you up on it at some point!

moverlow, carla, majeak ann, bron, jelle: Many thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment! :D

Mark said...

These are really nice. Calming palette and nicely balanced...I also really enjoy your pencil work...

Very nice :)