Tuesday, May 09, 2006

More than a week...

...without an update—yikes. The days are flying by as we continue to navigate through a mine field of paperwork in preparation for moving at the end of the Summer (the paperwork comes from the fact that we are being forced by a nearby airport to move; they want all the properties on our street in order to expand. They can do this, legally, thanks to the law of eminent domain.)

Anyway, here's something I did a little while back; vector art from a sketch done of a Victoria's Secret model. I really enjoyed the process, so different from working in Photoshop; would like to do more vector art.


Kevin Mcleod said...

What version of illustrator do you use? I have been spending my nights going through version 9 at home trying to learn the pen tool better. This looks great I like the way the swim suit blends into the background.

Chrissie A said...

Thanks, Kevin. I have Illustrator CS, but I don't use it...I prefer to use a program I actually know how to use--FreeHand. :) I know I need to learn Illustrator but I am dragging my feet. Something in me resents having to spend hours and hours of time learning a new program when I could be doing something more productive with my time...though I expect at some point I'll get motivated enough to do it. Maybe.

Scott Tolleson said...

Chrissie, I can't believe I just came across your blog. How is it that I just NOW came across your blog? Color me baffled. Anyway, yeah, I'm really loving your work. Such an array of different styles and techniques. All equally as beautiful. Bookmark!

Joaquín Aldeguer said...

Incredible style!

I wish I could draw girls like you!
I love the expression, the sweetness all that personality and classy style...

Thank you for share with us all that art!

Chrissie A said...

Thank you very much, lord grayworth and scott! :D

Anonymous said...

Chris, just a beautiful illustration overall, especially the face, so simple but yet so full of personality. I bow to your talent and ability.